How to write a business proposal paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
The Dream Act Development, Relief Free Essays
The Dream Act was first acquainted with the US Congress in August 2001 under President George W. Bush’s first term. This demonstration which represents Development, Relief, and Education of Alien Minors has become a significant venturing stone for the since quite a while ago discussed issue of movement change. We will compose a custom article test on The Dream Act: Development, Relief or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now It wasn’t until mid-2012 under President Barack Obama’s first term that governing body like The Dream Act really worked out as intended. Enactment known as DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) concedes those people who were brought to this nation wrongfully while they were younger than 6 and who were under age 31 when the strategy occurred, have no criminal record, and are eager to head off to college or serve the US military the correct remain in this nation without the dread of confronting expelling during the following two years. The issue of migration specifically unlawful movement has been a disputable point our legislature has contended on an assortment of viewpoints. This issue has been for some time bantered from the point of view of national security to Jobs, economy just as human rights infringement. Actually this nation was based upon the difficult work and edication of outsiders, and keeping in mind that it keeps on staying inviting to migrants from around the globe the issue of unlawful migration specifically after the fear based oppressor assaults of September 1 lth 2001 have just made the discussion on movement change considerably more troublesome. While supporters of The Dream Act and other enactment, for example, DACA contend that the individuals who showed up to this nation wrongfully while still a minor ought not be punished for their folks activities as well as choices to carry them to the US, the individuals who restrict the demonstration guarantee that permitting those exact same minors the pportunity to study and serve the US military are accepting those equivalent open doors from current US residents. Notwithstanding which side you wind up remaining on the issue of unlawful movement is an undeniable one, and one that must keep on being tended to. All through this report I will feature a portion of the social help and human rights needs as of now confronting this segment bunch inside our networks. It is my game plan as a social laborer and concerned network part to turn into a functioning promoter close by state delegates and law akers to guarantee that far reaching migration change is passed while tending to the social help and human rights needs featured. Without advocates engaging in the process genuine positive change can not be had particularly with regards to this entangled subject of movement change. As indicated by the article The American Dream by Barbara Krasner at present there are roughly 11 million unlawful or undocumented workers in the US. This figure keeps on developing as US fringe watch operators miss roughly 1,000 individuals day by day who cross the outskirt unlawfully. While by and by I concur that our nation must make sure about our outskirts in light of a legitimate concern for national security, I additionally accept that thorough movement change enactment ought to be passed to address the social complex needs confronting those that are presently here. Enactment, for example, DACA just gives a transitory answer for an a lot more noteworthy issue confronting our general public. Out of the surmised 11 million unlawful migrants presently in the US it is normal that lone 2 million will meet all requirements for the DACA strategy leaving 8 million illicit settlers unaddressed. Without the best possible usage of an arrangement to all the more likely secure our requests the issues in regards to illicit movement will keep on going about as a rotating entryway for a long time into the future. When a minority populace the US Hispanic/Latino populace has developed to what is anticipated to turn into the US dominant part bunch by 2015. As can be seen during the previous scarcely any presidential races this segment bunch profoundly convinced crusades and political race results. With regards to the issue of movement change the US Hispanic/Latino populace has been a main impetus behind enactment, for example, DACA and the current bipartisan council taking a shot at the current issue. Actually the issue of illicit migration has been an issue principally centered around Hispanics and Latinos as the security of the outskirt being referred to has been the US/Mexico fringe. A large number of the undocumented or illicit outsiders that show up to this nation every day will in general be of Hispanic or Latino drop. Anyway it must stay clear that different nationalities that show up at Latin American nations can and do cross the outskirt illicitly also. Since there is a capacity to have numerous nationalities and people with every single diverse expectation cross he fringe wrongfully the issue of national security turns into an extremely substantial issue. Making sure about the fringe is an absolute necessity for any extensive migration change enactment that might be passed. As a social laborer my anxiety goes a long ways past the issue of national security. I am additionally profoundly worried about the social impairments and human rights gives the segment gatherings of illicit foreigners face once they are in this nation. Being of Hispanic plummet myself it has gotten a lot simpler for me to relate to numerous illicit settlers from an assortment of foundations as growing up I oo was viewed as a minority. Many show up in order to seek better personal satisfaction comprising of better work openings, everyday environments and instructive assets for their youngsters. Others are given bogus guarantees of a superior life as they are dealt into this nation and subjugated into prostitution or an existence of medication dealing. The two gatherings wind up turning into a piece of our networks, schools and houses of worship. We experience how they are continually living in dread of being extradited back to their nations regularly destroying families all while confronting maltreatment by mployers who misuse their work, segregation by other segment bunches who may confine them or become antagonistic towards them Just for being here. We likewise face kids who showed up here illicitly who have no memory of their local nation and grow up as Americans without anything to demonstrate or state that they are. As should be obvious the issues with respect to unlawful movement are perplexing and include an assortment of social needs that individuals, for example, me must supporter for. Those of us who see the countenances and know the names behind the tales must become dynamic articipants close by our officials and state delegates to help guarantee that satisfactory laws and strategies are instituted to help address the essential social and human rights needs we are very acquainted with. Other than the necessities I previously referenced there are a lot more this gathering experiences every day. Illicit migrants can be found among our destitute populaces, at our soup kitchens, confronting language obstructions just as budgetary hindrances. Many are misused for their work frequently being paid next to no for extended periods of time of work. Wretchedness is additionally an issue ha a c this segment bunch the same number of miss their local nation and tind themselves at a misfortune having a place with neither their nation of origin nor the nation they at present live in. Others end up in a damaging relationship incapable to look for help as they dread that law authorization will expel them as opposed to assist them with tending to their present circumstance. As social laborers these are just a portion of the requirements we are stood up to with and we should take proactive measures to help guarantee they are tended to. Sadly I find that occasionally we are constrained with the assets for which we can support the undocumented populace. Commonly we wind up giving bandage arrangements as opposed to a drawn out one to the issues we address. In spite of the fact that the central government has not been fruitful in the course of recent decades in passing extensive migration change I do accept we are drawing nearer every day to seeing something happen. The developing minority populaces alongside pressure from states have made the wheels of progress keep up themselves in consistent development towards an answer. Numerous states, for example, Massachusetts and Maryland have just passed their own type of a Dream Act rimarily tending to the optional instructive open doors accessible to undocumented foreigners. As Dr. Loh the leader of the University of Maryland put it â€Å"the U. S. Preeminent Court maintained the estimations of training when it decided in 1982 that undocumented kids are entitled toa state funded school education†. It depends on that premise that the contention was made in Maryland as in Massachusetts and different states that it would look bad to pay for the government funded school training for undocumented kids while denying them the option to additionally seek after their instruction as would some other kid. The Dream Acts in those states presently treat undocumented youngsters who graduate secondary school as occupants of the state permitting them to apply to universities while paying the in-state educational cost rates. Similarly as DACA enactments like those I Just referenced do help give some alleviation to the unlawful foreigner populace anyway it isn't sufficient. As states goes to the acknowledgment that just tending to the instructive needs of this segment bunch isn’t enough we locate that more weight is set on the central government to think of an answer. On the opposite side of the range there are states specifically those losest to the US/Mexico fringe who have endeavored to pass enactment that solitary further weights the undocumented migrant populace. States, for example, Arizona have endeavored to pass enactment that would permit law requirement the capacity to stop any vehicle for all intents and purposes any motivation to request confirmation of citizenship of those inside the vehicle. Enactment, for example, this one just makes bigger dread among the outsider populace and in many cases makes them
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Inverted Sentences for Advanced Learners of English
Reversed Sentences for Advanced Learners of English A reversed sentence switches the situation of the action word before the subject of a sentence as though in an inquiry. Here are a few instances of rearranged sentences: In addition to the fact that he is hard to see, however he is additionally funny.Never have I seen less about women.Scarcely have they been on schedule. Reversed sentences are required with certain language structures, or utilized as a methods for sentences pressure or emphasis. Follow the directions beneath to figure out how and when altered sentences are utilized in English. Upset Sentence Question Form The inquiry structure (helper subject fundamental action word) replaces the standard positive sentence structure (for example He goes to work each day) in rearranged sentences.â In addition to the fact that I enjoy old style music, however I likewise have a season pass to the symphony.Seldom has the manager been so upset!So troublesome has science turned into that no one but masters can understand its complexities.â For this situation, the inquiry structure is fill in for standard sentence structure in an announcement. By and large, a reversal is utilized to pressure the uniqueness of an occasion and starts with a negative. Utilizing Never, Rarely, Seldom in Inverted Sentences Never, infrequently, and only sometimes are utilized in reversed sentences to communicate how one of a kind a given circumstance is. These time articulations are regularly utilized with an ideal frame and frequently incorporate comparatives: Never have I been more insulted!Seldom has he seen anything stranger.Rarely has somebody been so off-base as you. Scarcely, scarcely, no sooner, or barely. These time articulations are utilized when there is a progression of occasions previously. The utilization of this type of reversal centers around how rapidly something occurred in the wake of something different had been finished. Barely had I got up when the doorbell rang.No sooner had he completed supper, when she strolled in the door.Barely had I strolled in the entryway when my pooch came racing to welcome me.â Utilizing After Only Expressions, Such as Only After and Only Then Just is utilized with an assortment ofâ time articulations, for example, just when, just when, and so on. This type of reversal centers around how significant something in understanding a circumstance unmistakably. At exactly that point did I comprehend the problem. Only subsequent to understanding the circumstance does the educator cause a comment.Only when all the stars to have gone out will I handle the multifaceted nature of the universe.â Utilizing After Little Little is utilized from a negative perspective in reversals to stretch that something has not been seen totally. Little did he comprehend the situation.Little have I perused concerning nanotechnology.Little was I mindful that she was in town.â Reversal After So and Such The modifiers so and such are connected and are likewise utilized in variant. Recall that so is utilized with modifiers and such with nouns.â So So descriptive word ... that joins with the action word to be. So bizarre was the circumstance that I couldnt sleep.So troublesome is the test that understudies need three months to prepare.So costly was the ticket that we couldnt go to the show.â Such So to be thing ... (that): Such is the second that all greats traverse.Such is the stuff of dreams.Such are the times of our lives.â Restrictive Forms Now and then restrictive structures are upset as a methods for sounding increasingly formal. For this situation, the contingent if is dropped and the altered structures replace the if clause.â Had he comprehended the issue, he wouldnt have submitted those mistakes.Should he choose to come, kindly telephone.Had I known, I would have helped him.â Test Revamp the accompanying sentences utilizing the signal and reversal. Questions I havent ever felt so forlorn. - neverI couldnt work as a result of the uproarious clamor. - soShe didnt play a ton of ball. - littlePeter didnt comprehend the circumstance. On the off chance that he had, he would have stopped. - hadThe story hasnt been told accurately. - rarelyShe purchased the vehicle after he had clarified its advantages. - just after I dont eat pork regularly. - seldomI would have purchased another house in the event that I had enough cash. - had I will sign the check when you finish the work. - just thenIt was a day that we will all recollect until the end of time. - such Answers Never had I felt so lonely.So uproarious was the commotion that I couldnt work.Little did she play basketball.Had Peter comprehended the circumstance, he would have quit.Rarely has the story been told correctly.Only after he had clarified its advantages did she purchase the car.Seldom do I eat pork.Had I had enough cash, I would have purchased another house.Only at that point will I sign the check.Such was a day that we will all recollect until the end of time.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Becoming a Princess
Becoming a Princess You see, the thing about Halloween is that it gives you a reason to act like youre in elementary school again. You wanna become Doctor Who? Go ahead. You wanna go to class as a princess? No problem. Go trick-or-treating and mooch candy from all your GRTs? Aww yes. I, for one, opted for going to class as a princess. Let me explain. Im a fan of the TV show My Little Pony. That makes me solidly a member of that group of fans called bronies, generously defined by Urban Dictionary as: A name typically given to the male viewers/fans (whether they are straight, gay, bisexual, etc.) of the My Little Pony show or franchise. They typically do not give in to the hype that males arent allowed to enjoy things that may be intended for females. Thats actually one of the best definitions Ive seen. The brony fanbase is arguably one of the most accepting social groups in existence, and seeing as the fanbase subscribes to a TV show that not only teaches fundamental values (the tagline is Friendship is Magic, for goodness sake) but does so in a witty, artful, and interesting way with well-developed and dimensional female characters. The animators and writers also throw in nods to our fanbasecheck out these background characters: Thats right: meet, from left to right, Doctor Whooves, and The Dude, Donny, and Walter Sobchak from The Big Lebowski. In any case, I decided to become Princess Luna, one of the pony royalty of the world of Equestria. As her name suggests, shes patron of the moon and the night, and has some fascinating backstory that I wont spoil for you because I know youre going to go and watch MLP to find out for yourself ;) Doing a humanized (or gijinka) and male (or crossplay) costume of Princess Luna is an idea Ive been developing since maybe junior year of high school. Heres my original concept, and a picture of the character for comparison. To really bring this to life, however, was a different story. I didnt want to permanently modify my clothes, for instanceId never have another use for a tie with Lunas cutie mark on it or a pair of jeans with a moon insignia. I also wanted the costume to be comfortable and fairly practical, and I wasnt sure I was up for dealing with a cape for an entire day of classes. I opted for painting a moon on a hankerchief instead, as well as exchanging the more formal tie-and-vest combo with a more streetwear-style denim jacket and v-neck tee. After scrounging around for supplies, I set to spray-painting. Spray paint with stencils, by the way, is possibly one of my favorite tools to use. Its delightfully messy, not very time consuming, and yields a nice, starry, splattery effect that cant quite be duplicated otherwise. Here are the t-shirt and hankerchief after painting: And the final costume: General post-Halloween thoughts about the costume: Bandannas are super comfortable. As a habitual hat-wearer, wearing a bandanna had the same familar feeling but also allowed the wind to blow through my hair. It was very nice. I was criticized a couple times for wearing the infamous double denim. egin[snob] I personally feel that fashion rules are written to be learned, then broken. end[snob] This was a significant departure from my usual way of dressing in sweater over a button-up Oxford shirt tucked in neatly, so I did admittedly feel a little self-conscious all day. But hey, thats what Halloween is about, right? Feeling the stares and having the confidence to rock the look. Some of my more supportive friends told me I should dress like this every day. I maintain that Id be taken significantly less seriously by the entire world if I did so. Arguably, this is less of a costume and more of a Luna-inspired streetwear outfit. I suppose thats part of the difficulty of trying to dress up as human, male version of an animated magical pony. Maybe if I had costume wings and little pony ears? Maybe Ill get in touch with my cosplayer friends from high school and see what I can do. And another thing. Some of my friends decided the outfit needed a touch of eyeliner guyliner. This happened. Sorry-not-sorry for the selfie. Your friend in bronydom, Allan
Friday, May 22, 2020
Robert E. Wormsley s The New Guinea - 1319 Words
Historical studies indicate that the New Guinea was one of the hottest countries, insect infested, and occupied by aggressive people. The Imbonggu community is one of the integral parts of the community. William E. Wormsley drew a special insight into the lives of these people after spending several years with them. In his fascinating book, the author uses an incisive, yet articulate, voice to describe the culture, social structure as well as bride wealth, religion, and magic among these people (Wormsley, 1993). During that period, New Guinea was specially known as a man-eating zone. The local people were reputed as cannibals, nasty and aggressive people. Therefore, as the anthropologist of his time, Wormsley was destined to critically analyze the group on their view of the white man. A study that released results that still struck the world with shock (Wormsley, 1993). During the study, the renowned anthropologist uses the local lingua franca â€Å"Neo-Melanesian†to collect his data from the Imbonggu villages. At first, the Wormsley finds himself as an object of competition as different communities wanted to stay with him. The men thought that Wormsley had come to collect the head tax†, one of the renowned colonial payments that were subjected to men based on the number of women. In these communities, the author observes the culture of both men and women to collect his data. He notes how men are engaged in war, religion and politics (Wormsley, 1993). Women, on the other
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Feminism And The Prejudice Men - 1997 Words
Trifles has long been considered a drama about feminism and the prejudice men develop toward women. The female characters play a significant role in the drama because they produced minor evidence to solve a murder case. The women sympathized for Mrs. Wright because they want to find her motivation for killing her husband and covering up for it. Glaspell presents the male characters in the play as being ignorant and in and inability to connect with the women’s ideology. The men patronized and ridiculed the women ideas and characterized their activity in the house as being relatively unimportant. (Holstein 283) They devalued the women and made a valid point that the women were impotent to them. Glaspell uses literal and symbolic references†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I guess we’ll go upstairs first- and then out to the barn.†(Glaspell 1082) By the men conducting their investigation up-stair and in the barn first demonstrated a typical male’s behavio r and activity. â€Å"Nothing here important but kitchen things,†the men thought the kitchen was irrelevant to their investigation. (Glaspell 1082) The men viewed the kitchen as the woman’s territory. Because of their prejudice to particular areas in the house, the investigator misses significant clues and relevant evidence in solving the crime. The men pass on damning evidence, such as the canary in the sewing basket as unimportant and completely overlook some valuable factors. By them passing over relevant information, it helped the women solve the case and come to the resolution about the faith of Mrs. Wright. Furthermore, Glaspell writing clearly demonstrated the act of women’s empowerment in which the women were secretly able to make their decision. By looking at the detail in the play make one may focus on the behavior and the treatment of women. This play presents a valuable question which focuses on the solidarity of sisterhood, the devaluation and prejudice toward women, and the importance of emotional abuse and domestic oppression of women The solidarity of sisterhood becomes readily apparent with the women in this play. There are couple indications one could assume that the women form a unity. The first indication is that the women form a bond is because they act through
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Defense and National Stability Free Essays
Having built your particular community what were some of the Issues you needed to consider. – Counter Terrorism and Irregular weltare: Acting in concert with other means of national power, we must continue to be strong and show other affiliates and adherents under constant pressure, wherever they may be. To achieve good counter terrorism and irregular, the strategies involve an increase in standard police and domestic intelligence and also technology. We will write a custom essay sample on Defense and National Stability or any similar topic only for you Order Now With good technology has, however, expanded the range of military and law enforcement operations. Countering rregular welfare, we need to be connected with the community and make sure there isn’t any space left (like, swamps, jungle, forests, and hills) for them to have their people train and learn how to fight, or recruit members throughout the community. – Power projection (aka force projection): We need to have an area distant to form our own territory In order to maintain our ability to project power In areas In which our access and freedom to operate are challenged. This ability is a crucial element of a state’s power in International relations. There are soft and hard power projections. oft power projections are securing sea lanes of communication, next Is non- combatant evacuation, or humanitarian, last is peace-keeping as military operations designed to support diplomatic efforts to reach a long-term political settlement to an on-going dispute. Hard projections are compulsion deterrence, armed intervention or showing the flag which symbolic deployment of military forces toa region for the purposes of demonstrating political Interest, resolve or to take more forceful military actions. ? Environment: Globalisation has brought about an Increase in environmental egradation; some argue that it has also brought about an increase In awareness of environmental management. 2) What were some of the key considerations you had to bear In mind when you were bulldlng your society? – Operate effectively in cyberspace: In modern armed forces, we cannot conduct fast-paced, effective operations without reliable information and commu nication networks and assured access to cyberspace. o nowadays we need best supporung Infrastructure In order to face a range of threats that may destroy, disrupt or degrade assets. Therefore, we ould need to work with domestic and international allies and partners and endow In advanced capabllltles to defend our networks and resiliency towards cyberspace. – Counter weapons of Mass Destruction: Even though, how good our country Is, if ever there are people who make use of Illegal proliferation ot any type weapons operation. Our country may not be a safe and peace place. Thus, we need to implementa Cooperative Threat Reduction (Nunn-Lugar) Program, and planning and operations to locate, monitor, track, interdict and secure Weapons ot Mass Destruction and related omponents and the means and facilities to make them. 3) wnat Klnas 0T Tacllltles 010 you plan wnen you were DullOlng you community Heritage (Internal Security Department): To show the citizens about the threats from international terrorism, foreign subversion and espionage. Shelter and Radio Stations: Create Bomb Shelter, place to keep the family and people protected in order to avoid the outside disaster and stay safe for the time being. Having a Radio stations can allow the listeners to be well inform about what happen outside when in the bomb shelter has no power socket to plug in and watch he television also if have avoid overexposure to news rebroadcasts of the events. Television news of traumatic events can be particularly frightening to ch ildren, especially when it is viewed repeatedly. Thus, stay tuned to the local emergency response network or news station for up-to-date information and instructions. -Community Safety Centre: A place to give the people in the community to have a view on what happen when disaster strike. The centre comprises of the ‘house’ plus a training room with full audio-visual facilities and remote handset quiz equipment to enhance the visit. ) How did you make the lives of your people colorful? – Common living space provided by public housing: Living together in the same neighborhood provides opportunities for people from different ethnic groups to interact. Have Community center and Shopping malls: Allow them to relax and learning new things in free time. – Have events and programs organized by grassroots organizations: Grassroots organization such as People’s Association (PA) create common space through their wide range of programs and activities developed to cater to the needs and interests of every citiz en. (Like home visits) 5) What are some easons for the rise of conflicts in societies and what would be some good means to resolve this? – Conflict over scarce resources: The natural resources of the world such as land, water, oil and fish are unequally distributed. Some countries have more of such resources while others have less. Those with less resource might use force to gain more, especially when these resources are necessary for survival and economic growth. -Conflicts over different ethnic groups: The lack of understanding among the racial groups can create suspicion and unhappiness among the people. This may lead to utbreaks of violence among ethnic groups. – To solve this, multi-racialism: The policy of multi-racialism promotes equality among the ethnic, with no special rights granted to any particular racial or religious group. Everyone has equal opportunities to succeed, regardless of their background. -Or, Common practices: An action that our country, everybody carries out together. Singing the national anthem, taking the pledge and attending flag rising ceremony. Talk about Bilateral ties and multilateral ties and military. We should adopt a natlonal securlty policy 0T deterrence supported Dy Olplomacy. Deterrence pollcy Is ased on being prepared for any form of threats while developing diplomatic relationships with as many countries as possible. Deterrence taken by countries to prevent and protect themselves from threats. These threats may be carried out by countries or non-state aggressors such as transnational terrorists. Deterrence could be practiced using the following methods: 1) Citizen armed force: If our country could not afford a large professional army. Thus, our government could plan to build a citizen armed force through enlisting able-bodied men into army. Like National Service (NS); all able-bodied male citizens ere called up to serve full-time NS. Through it, our country learns to defend their country. Not only that, NS also helps men to bond as they share a common experience during their training. This bonding helps to develop in them a sense of loyalty, patriotism and a shared destiny for our Country. 2) Total defense: A way to involve everyone in the defense of the country. It can only be effective only when all citizens believe that the country is worth defending, and are involved in our defense efforts. So, potential aggressors will think twice about attacking Singapore if they now they face the entire nation and not Just the armed forces. Total defense consists of five aspects: Military, Civil, Economic, Social and Psychological defense. 3) Beside building up a strong defense force within the country, we got to actively fosters friendly ties with the armed forces of other countries. This is conducted mainly through bilateral and multilateral military agreements, Joint military exercises, training programs and participation in the UN peace missions. – Bilateral military agreements and exercises: We have to make agreements with various countries to allow our troops to train in their countries. Examples; New Zealand, Indian and others. In addition to these agreements, we also conducts regular military training with neighboring countries, these training activities increase cooperation and strengthen ties among the participating countries. – Multi-lateral: It is similar to bilateral but it is more towards global issues. Where the Defense ministers from number of different countries gather together and talk about international problems. Like in the event of an external threat against a particular country, members would consult one another on the appropriate measures to be taken to deter the aggressor. How to cite Defense and National Stability, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Short Story Reflection Essay Example
Short Story Reflection Paper Short Story Reflection Jennifer ENG125:Intro to Literature Instructor McGrath 11/28/2011 All stories come together by a solid idea. The idea behind a story is known as a theme. When looking at a theme, you must go beyond the title and critically think to acknowledge key terms and symbols within the narrative you are reading. The theme in â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood†is a prime example of how readers have to critically think and acknowledge the symbolism of the story. When â€Å"looking beyond the plot†of Little Red Riding Hood, the story is more adult oriented than child oriented, and it is fascinating that it has remained popular for so many years. Within the theme there is symbolism such as the red cape for Little Red Riding Hood. Red is also known as â€Å"passion or danger. †This symbol shows that the author was considering Little Red Riding Hood to be in danger within her relationship to the wolf. The wolf wanted more from her than just her homemade cakes (Clugston 2010). All fictional works have a plot. A plot consists of five outlined situations within a narrative which are: exposition, complication or rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. In â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood†the exposition would be explaining the setting and characters, the woods, as well as, Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. The complication or â€Å"conflict,†is when the Wolf is not getting what he wants out of Little Red Riding Hood. The climax is when the Wolf eats the grandma and pretends to be her as when Little Red Riding Hood gets to her home. The falling action would be when Little Red Riding Hood makes statements such as â€Å"what big eyes you have. †The resolution is when the Wolf finally gets what he wants from Little Red Riding Hood (Clugston 2010). We will write a custom essay sample on Short Story Reflection specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Short Story Reflection specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Short Story Reflection specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Tone is considered to be the attitude expressed throughout an author’s work. In Little Red Riding Hood on the surface you see a sense of innocence but when you read more you feel the danger within the tone change when the Wolf is present. The tone also expresses verbal irony because the Wolf is disguised as the grandma and Little Red Riding Hood doesn’t feel as she is in danger. A narrative theme is contextually broad, with readers looking into a story at different angles. By providing narrative elements the reader narrows into the author’s perception of the story. The symbols narrow in on where the story is taking the reader. Symbols can come through colors, animals, nature, etc. The symbol in Little Red Riding Hood was her Red Cape. The plot shows the reader that a narrative is like a pie cut into five pieces. The plot keeps the story flowing and grasps the reader’s attention by allowing an introduction, a predicament, climax, falling action, and a conclusion. The tone catches the authors’ attitude towards the story line. At times the tone is easy to catch, and others you have to dig deep for it, because it can be contradictory. As readers we should respect the author enough to walk into their world of critical thinking. By reflecting on the theme and literary elements of a narrative the reader can better relate to the authors’ true message. References Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into literature. San Diego, California: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. https://content. ashford. edu/books Lombardi, E. (2010). How to become a critical thinker. Retrieved from http://classiclit. about. com/od/forstudents/ht/aa_criticalread. htm Milhauser, S. (2008, October 3). The ambition of the short story. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2008/10/05/books/review/Millhauser-t. html? _r=2
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